Results for 'Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa'

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  1.  11
    The Role of Sustainable Tourism in Enhancing Cultural Heritage Preservation: In-depth Analysis.Dr Jayaprakash Lamoria, Abhinav Mishra, Nishant Kumar, Prem Colaco, Tarang Bhatnagar, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa & Tusha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:870-879.
    Sustainable tourism is essential to improving the preservation of cultural property since it encourages ethical travel, helps local communities, and raises money for conservation initiatives. It guarantees the preservation of cultural treasures for future generations while promoting awareness and appreciation of them. In this paper, the relationship between sustainable tourism practice, environmental policies, tourist education, community involvement, tourism revenue allocation, and cultural heritage preservation were evaluated using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. Five hypotheses were developed and the dataset includes 232 (...)
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  2.  8
    Analyzing the Impact of Teachers' Technological Skills on Their Teaching Skills in Music Education.Dr Sadaf Hashmi, Sakshi Sobti, Ranganathaswamy Madihalli Kenchappa, Shivangi Gupta, Dr Hiren Harsora, Divya Sharma & Dr Pompi das Sengupta - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:811-821.
    Music education increasingly integrates digital technology to enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement. This study investigates the impact of technology proficiency on music instruction by analyzing data from 80 music teachers and their students, aged 10-18 years, gathered through a detailed questionnaire. SPSS software was utilized for statistical analysis, including factor analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM analysis revealed that Community Influence (CI) and Achievement Prediction (AP) significantly impact Psychological Forecasting (PF), while Technical Expertise (TE) (...)
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  3.  25
    The Narration of the Prophet in Yūsuf al-Nabhānī’s (a Madīh Nabawī Poet) Work Named "al-Sābiqātu'l-Jiyād fī Madhi Seyyidi'l-'Ibād.Mücahit Küçüksari & A. K. Murat - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):881-902.
    Yūsuf al-Nabhānī (d. 1932) became famous in the world of science with many works he wrote in the fields of Hadith and Kalam. On the other hand, he is a person who has proven himself with his works and poems in the field of madīh nabawī. For this reason, he was also referred to as Hassān and Busīrī of the period in which he lived. His diwan named al-Sābiqātu'l-jiyād fī madhi seyyidi'l-'ibād is an important work that contains the poems he (...)
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  4. Sefer Ḳumi ori: le-ḥazeḳ ish et reʻehu... ṿe-yatsilu ish et reʻehu mi-madiḥim u-makhshilim..Shemuʼel Rubin - 1987 - [Brooklyn?: ha-Aḥim Grois). Edited by Aviʻezer ben Yitsḥaḳ, Joshua Alter Wildman & Yaʻaḳov ben ʻAḳiva Didoṿsḳi.
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    Yahya al-Ṣarṣarī and The Image of the Prophet Muḥammad in His Poems.İbrahim Fi̇dan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):267-295.
    The first poems about the Prophet Muḥammad appeared while he was alive. These first examples, which are panegyrics (madīḥ, i‛tiẕār, fakhr and ris̱ā), largely reflect the characteristics of the pre-Islamic qaṣīda poetry. Due to the developments in the following centuries, the number of poems about the Prophet increased. And thus, a separate literary genre was formed under the name al-madīḥ al-nabawī. Especially the fact that sufi leaning poets contributed to the literary richness in this field. Another factor is the beginning (...)
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  6.  35
    The Argument of Na’t in Arabic Grammar (From Sibawayh to the Present).C. A. N. Süleyman - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1091-1122.
    Although Sibawayh dealt with it in a scattered manner under different headings there have been different views on na't (adjective), which is gene-rally included in the tawabi group in Arabic syntax, and there have been debates around these views. Na't, which is categorized as a proper adjective and qualifies the meaning of man'ut (mawsuf), has different characteristics from the sentence elements that indicate the subject. Nahiv scholars have mostly divided na't into two parts: real and causal na't, and they have (...)
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  7.  21
    La aparición de la esfera pública Abbasí: el caso de al-Mutanabbī y tres mecenas de extracción social media.Samer Mahdy Ali - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):467-494.
    En el siglo X, y en la zona de Siria e Iraq, el número de poetas canónicos que dedicaron panegíricos (madīḥ) a miembros no destacados de la sociedad experimentó un incremento sin precedentes. A lo largo de los últimos treinta años, especialistas en este campo han formulado diversas teorías sobre los himnos de alabanza dedicados a la realeza y a los gobernantes, pero ¿qué llevó a personas corrientes, sin ninguna aspiración de llegar a gobernar, a pagar grandes cantidades de dinero (...)
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  8.  40
    Originalidad en la imitación: dos mu‘āraḍas de Ibn Darrāŷ al-Qasṭallī.Beatrice Gruendler - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):437-465.
    Este artículo analiza las variedades y la función de la imitación literaria (mu‘āraḍa) en al-Andalus a partir de dos poemas que Ibn Darrāj al-Qasṭallī (m. 421/1030) dedicó a sus mecenas al-Ḥājib al-Manrṣūr y al-Mundhir b. Yaḥyā. El primero de ellos imita un poema de Abū Nuwās, en competición poética explícita con el mismo. El segundo es una imitación no reconocida como tal del poema de al-Mutanabbī sobre la batalla de al-Ḥadath, que se invoca como “vocabulario de un segundo poder más (...)
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  9. Sefer Ḳiyum ha-Torah (pereḳ 4).Yaʻaḳov Davidoṿsḳi - 1987 - In Shemuʼel Rubin, Sefer Ḳumi ori: le-ḥazeḳ ish et reʻehu... ṿe-yatsilu ish et reʻehu mi-madiḥim u-makhshilim.. [Brooklyn?: ha-Aḥim Grois).
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  10. Sefer Ḳodesh Yiśraʼel : ʻal ṭohorat u-ḳedushat Yiśraʼel.Asher ḤIber Aviʻezer Beha-Gaʼon YitsḥAḳ Mi-Yelide ṬIḳṬin - 1987 - In Shemuʼel Rubin, Sefer Ḳumi ori: le-ḥazeḳ ish et reʻehu... ṿe-yatsilu ish et reʻehu mi-madiḥim u-makhshilim.. [Brooklyn?: ha-Aḥim Grois).
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  11. Sefer Ḳedoshim Yehoshuʻa Alṭer Ṿildman - 1987 - In Shemuʼel Rubin, Sefer Ḳumi ori: le-ḥazeḳ ish et reʻehu... ṿe-yatsilu ish et reʻehu mi-madiḥim u-makhshilim.. [Brooklyn?: ha-Aḥim Grois).
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